Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Know Your Farmer - Wade Cole of Four Oaks!

Meet Wade Cole of Wade Cole Farm in Four Oaks, NC! Wade farms 100 acres and operates a pasture-raised pork production farm. His hogs are Animal Welfare Approved for the NC Natural Hog Growers Association. Wade’s hogs eat feed that consists of corn, soybeans, molasses, minerals, and gleanings of grass, wheat, millet, and cornfields. He also grows wheat, soybeans, canola beans, millet, rye, and a wide variety of vegetables. Wade will sell pasture-raised pork, cabbage, collards, turnips, mustard greens, squash, and new potatoes on opening day of the Sandhills Farmers Market. He will also sell barbeque plates and sandwiches! Come out and meet farmer Wade and learn more about where your food comes from!